According to an article in the Star-Telegram, many low-income residents had to receive medical treatment after thousands of people pushed and shoved for the opportunity to apply for the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing program which will provide grants of up to $3,000 for homeless and low-income individuals.
The article said:
“Scuffles erupted as several thousand Detroit residents jockeyed, pushed and shoved Wednesday to get free money being offered to only 3,500 of the city’s recently or soon to be homeless.
Several received medical treatment for fainting or exhaustion while frantically trying to obtain the applications for federal housing assistance. The long lines and short tempers highlighted the frustration and desperation that Detroit residents feel struggling through an economic nightmare.”
This program is available nationwide and those wishing to apply to do not need to subject themselves to long lines or possibly dangerous conditions.
To be considered, applicants must have lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for the past six months, been homeless within the past year and be of low to moderate income. A single applicant is ineligible with an income of more than $24,850 annually; the maximum annual income for an eligible family of four is $35,500. Remember, being homeless does not necessarily mean that you were living on the street. Maybe you lost your home to foreclosure and lived with a friend or family, that would make you homeless. This sounds like the perfect opportunity for those who have suffered from foreclosure to receive financial help in getting on their feet. If you suffered a foreclosure and went without a home for any length of time, please consider applying for this program.