According to an article in the Star-Telegram, the surge in April foreclosures may be the result of foreclosure moratoriums ending. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have ended their foreclosure moratoriums helping to push up the number of foreclosures posted for an April auction. Foreclosures have increased 32 percent since last year and 27 percent since last month. As the government has rolled out programs designed to help homeowners facing foreclosure, mortgage lenders have begun to move forward on foreclosures that were delayed because of the moratoriums.
The surge in foreclosures is also an indicator that the government foreclosure programs may not be working as well as everyone hoped. The voluntary mortgage modification program is not as efficient as necessary, leaving many desperate homeowners facing foreclosure stuck in red tape and long waits. The government needs to require that mortgage lenders respond quickly to modification requests by homeowners facing foreclosure. Many homeowners facing foreclosure are waiting as long as two months to find out if they can receive a mortgage modification. Often, two months is too long. In two months, a homeowner could lose their home to foreclosure.
If you’re a homeowner facing foreclosure, a job loss or other financial crisis contact a bankruptcy attorney to find out how bankruptcy can help you save your home and other assets.