Angry Baseball Fan Letters Infiltrate Bankruptcy Court DocketThe bankruptcy judge overseeing the Los Angeles Dodgers bankruptcy case has ordered the removal of four angry fan letters which were placed in the court’s official list of documents.

Judge Kevin Gross of Delaware’s bankruptcy court on Friday ordered that letters from fans had to be removed from the court’s docket, or official documents, before it turned into an extension of sports talk radio.

Only four fan letters found their way to the court’s docket, or official list of documents, but Gross ordered them removed, while noting the “court respects their passion.”

So does the public have a say in how a debtor’s bankruptcy goes? Not unless they are a party with an interest in the bankruptcy, such as a creditor or investor.  Angry fans are not going to be able to sway a bankruptcy judge to remove the Dodgers’ team owner.  The bankruptcy judge must use the evidence and facts before him and make a decision on the case that is in the best interests of the baseball team and their creditors.

However, this fact has not stopped fans from overzealously sharing their opinions with the bankruptcy court. A matter of fact, when it comes to the bankruptcy cases of sports teams, some fans have even gone as far as serving veiled threats to bankruptcy judges if they did not rule in a way the fan thought was best.  Be warned: Threatening a bankruptcy judge for any reason can land you in jail.

For those Dodgers fans who believe they can influence this bankruptcy case, sorry to disappoint you; but that’s not likely.  If you want to express your disagreements or dismay regarding the bankruptcy case, you might get a more receptive audience sending your letter to a local newspaper.

(source: )

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