One of the biggest deterrents for those considering bankruptcy is the belief that they cannot afford a bankruptcy attorney. Because of this belief many debtors attempt to file bankruptcy on their own and end up losing assets or worse face sanctions by the bankruptcy court because they have made a big mistake that gave the appearance of fraud.Hiring a bankruptcy attorney can be affordable and most attorneys offer some type of payment plan. Sometimes bankruptcy attorney fees can be paid through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. Also, if you’re considering bankruptcy and meet with a qualified bankruptcy attorney, he/she can give you advice on how to restructure your finances so that you can pay for your bankruptcy.
Remember, working with a bankruptcy attorney is an investment. The debtor invests money (in the form of a fee) and in return gets peace of mind. When a debtor works with a professional attorney to file bankruptcy, he/she can rest assured that the professional will understand the ins/outs of the law and will file the appropriate paperwork within the appropriate time.
Also, the bankruptcy attorney can fight any creditor or trustee challenges that pop up during the bankruptcy case, freeing the debtor to focus on picking up the pieces of their financial lives without needing to learn the details of bankruptcy law.