According to an article in the Star-Telegram, congressmen are getting up-close and personal with mortgage lenders on behalf of homeowners facing foreclosure.
The article said:
Several lawmakers whose districts are drowning in foreclosures are taking unprecedented steps to help people stay in their homes, including picking up the phone themselves to negotiate with banks on behalf of their constituents.
Two of those congressmen/women are Rep. Elijah Cummings and Maxine Waters whose districts are literally experiencing a foreclosure tsunami. Rep. Cummings as created an anti-foreclosure fair with 19 banks where residents facing foreclosure can come and meet with their bank in person.
Rep. Waters complained that many homeowners facing foreclosure are unable to get anyone on the phone. If a homeowner is seriously delinquent and facing imminent foreclosure it’s more likely that he/she will reach a representative willing to help them to avoid foreclosure. But if a homeowner is only slightly delinquent, the mortgage lender may just demand that they “pay up,” according to Waters.
The foreclosure crisis is intensifying despite congressional efforts such as “Hope For Homeowners” which has been a failure at preventing foreclosure. For those homeowners facing foreclosure, negotiating with the bank is one option which is often unsuccessful; but bankruptcy is another way to stop foreclosure. Contact a Dallas-Fort Worth bankruptcy attorney to find out how bankruptcy can stop foreclosure .