According to an article in the Associated Press, the rise in job loss and foreclosures may be causing an increase in domestic violence nationwide.
The article said:
“Our children and families are suffering,” said Alane Fagin, who runs a nonprofit group called Child Abuse Prevention Services. “With more layoffs expected, the threat of foreclosure looming over so many and our savings disappearing, even the best parents can feel stressed out and overwhelmed.”
In a nationwide survey, 88 percent of law enforcement officials believed that the economic crisis has led, or will lead, to more domestic violence, child abuse and neglect. Yes, financial difficulties are stressful. A job loss or foreclosure can put a tremendous amount of stress on a family but no one should be a victim of abuse.
As times become rough, many people may remain in abusive situations because of they have suffered a job loss and have no financial resources to flee. If you or your child is facing abuse, there are resources available.