An Eviction!
What now? Are there options?
You bet there are options. In fact, you may be able to delay your eviction with one single act. YES, it’s possible…
- STOP THE EVICTION, end the stress, stop the harassing phone calls
Typically, there are 3 ways to handle a pending eviction:
- Do Nothing and Accept the Eviction– Odds are that you WILL be ordered to pay. The creditor will secure a default judgement. They will collect. They will enter your home and they WILL remove you from the property.
- Fight Back and Contest the Eviction– If you decide to fight the eviction yourself by filing a reply, you can bet the creditor will NOT drop the case. In fact, within a few days, they will unleash their attorneys on you and do everything in their power to make your life even more miserable. They will try to intimidate you, beat you down, and use every psychological and legal maneuver in their arsenal to drain your energy and resources.
- File Bankruptcy Protection and possibly Win– The third option is last for a reason because bankruptcy should only be considered as a last resort. Filing for bankruptcy has the possibility of immediately stopping this eviction against you. It will also legally require your landlord to stop hounding you. Almost IMMEDIATELY. That’s right- no more harassing phone calls or visits. Bankruptcy could also wipe out other types of debts like medical bills and may stop repossessions and foreclosures. That’s why it’s called bankruptcy “protection“: You receive the ultimate government protection from creditors, debt collectors and plaintiffs. You eviction and debt may DISAPPEAR.
A Solution That Works: 214-845-7915
There’s no time to waste… you have a limited number of days to do something about the eviction. If you do nothing, the judge will automatically rule AGAINST YOU.
The solution to your eviction starts with a simple appointment (no charge). Hiring an expert attorney like me, Reed Allmand, to represent you in the eviction makes the odds much more favorable! I’ve gone up against big creditors many, many times and helped my clients walk away owing nothing or getting the balance greatly reduced. If you want to dispute the eviction please… do yourself a favor and get an experienced advocate like me on your side. I’ll file on your behalf and fight tooth and nail to ensure you get the best possible outcome.
But please act NOW! Unfortunately, time is not on our side.
Start Your FREE Case Evaluation
You have a limited number of days to respond to an eviction.
If we are going to help you, we need to talk as soon as possible. The FIRST thing to do is call my office to make an appointment for a FREE consultation. The number is (214) 845-7915.
If you do nothing…or wait too long… you may have a judgment entered against you.
As you can imagine, offering a free consultation like this generates enormous interest from others in the same situation as you. The sooner you come in to see us, the better the chance that we’ll be able to work with you.
Am I for real and can I really help you?
I assure you I am for real… and I may be able to help. Although my first name is Weldon, I go by “Reed” (my middle name). I am a homegrown, consumer bankruptcy attorney, Board Certified* born in Jacksboro, Texas and raised in Abilene. Now, I am a proud resident of Colleyville.
I have been an attorney for over 10 years and my firm has helped over 8.000 people with many financial related issues, including defending creditor lawsuits, evictions, negotiating debts, and representing consumers in bankruptcy. I’ve been featured on CBS television and Fox Business News. Why me? Because my main objective is to reach out and help as many people as possible in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and this is a great way to get my message across.
Even though I don’t know you personally, I know we have a t least one major thing in common: We BOTH want to stop this eviction so you don’t have its threat hanging over you ONE MORE DAY.
What will happen when you call (214) 845-7915?
My staff, attorneys and I all understand how important this matter is to you. Every one of us knows that even good people get into bad situations through no fault of their own. You can expect your case to be handled with skill, professionalism and diligence – and so you should. Of course, all matters will remain strictly confidential. You will either speak to Angelica or Maria. They will handle your call with special care and set your FREE appointment for as soon as possible.
Getting evicted can be frustrating, even scary – but it can be STOPPED. Let us explain the process to you in plain English and do my best to help you. Remember, it’s a FREE consultation! Just call (214) 845-7915 to set it up.

Bankruptcy can be an intimidating option for many people. Although filing for bankruptcy is often attached to a negative social stigma, it can be a great option for those in need of financial protection.., Bankruptcy remains a reasonable legal option when debt begins to accumulate at overwhelming rates. Due to the many questions that may arise when contemplating filing bankruptcy, we have answered some of the most common questions to help you understand the benefits of bankruptcy in a time of need.
Unlike most bankruptcy firms in the Dallas / Fort-Worth area, Allmand Law Firm, PLLC spends the time to understand the complete financial picture for every one of our clients. We provide resources, tools and advice to address the unique needs of North Texans.
- We have handled thousands of bankruptcy cases
- Reed Allmand is Board Certified in Consumer Bankruptcy by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- We’ve been featured on Fox News & CBS News
- Our team has more than two decades of experience
- We are the largest bankruptcy filing firm in Texas
For us, our clients are our top priority. We are grateful to have the opportunity to serve families in financial distress, and we believe that recovery is possible. We’re here to help you achieve it.
Instant Creditor Harassment Protection
Instant Creditor Harassment Protection
Stop harassment from creditors and regain your privacy. Creditors will be forced to contact our office only. If they violate the law, we will pursue them aggressively.
FREE Credit Score Analysis Pre/Post Bankruptcy
FREE Credit Score Analysis Pre/Post Bankruptcy
Receive your current credit score, as well as the amounts and types of debt currently being reported. You will also receive an estimated post-bankruptcy score.
FREE Asset Protection Strategy
FREE Asset Protection Strategy
Protect what matters most to you. Learn strategies that will help you protect the assets that matters most whether you decide to file bankruptcy or not.
FREE Financial Empowerment Session
FREE Financial Empowerment Session
We can help you understand all of your options when faced with a difficult financial future, including both bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy remedies.