The Crawford Peace House, best known as the place where antiwar protests were launched during President George Bush’s presidency, could be facing foreclosure. Dallas-Fort Worth area resident Johnny Wolf bought the house in 2003 for $54,000; but has only been offered $38,000 for the property. Wolf, who is now facing foreclosure after fallen 5 months behind on his mortgage payments, says that the $38,000 offer is not enough because he owes $48,000 in principal, interest and penalties.
“It’s hard, when the wars are still going on, to have to do this,” said Wolf, a stage designer from Forney who said the recession has nearly driven him to bankruptcy. “It seems like the peace movement has been waning.”
This week, California peace activist Cindy Sheehan sent an e-mail urging donations so the house can be preserved as a peace museum and visitor center.
“My friends need help,” wrote Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier who led a 26-day protest against the Iraq war near Bush’s ranch in 2005.
Wolf said that unless her appeal generates funds, the white clapboard house may be auctioned soon from the steps of the McLennan County Courthouse. A foreclosure sale was scheduled for Tuesday, but Wolf said late Friday that he and a possible buyer negotiated a one-month delay.
Although Wolf says that he hopes that the appeals of Sheehan are successful, he has also expressed his desire to move on despite the pending foreclosure being painful. In that respect, Wolf joins thousands of Americans facing foreclosure on underwater homes they just can’t sell at least not for enough to cover their outstanding mortgage. Many of those Americans facing foreclosure are simply choosing to walk away, accept foreclosure and file bankruptcy on any outstanding debts including those related to the foreclosed property.