Altered Mortgage Document Ruled Invalid by Bankruptcy Court

In the bankruptcy case of Kurak, Debra A.; In re (Agin, Trustee, v. South Point Inc.), a mortgage was ruled invalid by the bankruptcy court because it was materially altered prior to the filing. The details of the bankruptcy case: "The Chapter 7 debtor scheduled an interest in real property that was subject to a [...]

By |2018-11-08T19:44:52-06:00August 26th, 2009|Lawsuits, Loans / Mortgages|Comments Off on Altered Mortgage Document Ruled Invalid by Bankruptcy Court

Forging Bankruptcy Papers Could Land You in Jail

We've talked a lot about fraud and bankruptcy and how it could jeopardize a debtor's bankruptcy case; but some debtors have taken their fraud attempts one step further.  In a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa, a debtor desperate to keep the electricity on her home, forged a bankruptcy notice and sent it to the electric company. [...]

By |2018-11-08T23:58:39-06:00August 22nd, 2009|Bankruptcy, Lawsuits|Comments Off on Forging Bankruptcy Papers Could Land You in Jail

Lenders to Take Over Delphi’s Helm

Things may be looking up for Delphi Corp., which recently announced a deal reached with a group of lenders who made a successful bid to take over control of the bankrupt auto parts supplier.  The Troy, Michigan-based company, which split off from General Motors in 1999, supplies mobile electronics and transportation systems, including power train, [...]

By |2018-11-12T21:57:28-06:00August 21st, 2009|Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Lawsuits|Comments Off on Lenders to Take Over Delphi’s Helm

Can a Non-Citizen File for Bankruptcy?

I Am Not An American Citizen, Can I File Bankruptcy? A noncitizen of the United States may be able to file for bankruptcy in America. Noncitizens of the United States often have the same question when considering bankruptcy. You can probably guess what it is, but for the sake of ease, here it is: Can [...]

By |2017-12-13T00:51:31-06:00August 20th, 2009|Lawsuits|Comments Off on Can a Non-Citizen File for Bankruptcy?

Dissolution of Company Ruled as Malicious

In the bankruptcy case of (Blackburn, Richard and Victoria; In re (Muscarello v. Blackburn)), the bankruptcy court ruled that the plaintiff's claims could not be discharged in bankruptcy. The details of the bankruptcy case: The debtor-husband formed a consulting company after being laid off from his job as a senior health care consultant at CNA [...]

By |2018-11-09T16:12:38-06:00August 19th, 2009|Lawsuits|Comments Off on Dissolution of Company Ruled as Malicious

Bankruptcy Newsroom: Southwest Hopes to Acquire Bankruptcy Rival, Frontier Airlines

The Dallas Morning News ran an article stating that Southwest Airlines Co. will bid $113.6 million to buy Frontier Airlines Holdings Inc., a rival airline known for its low costs and low fares that is now operating in bankruptcy.  According to Southwest officials, they're taking advantage of a good opportunity to grow by actively courting [...]

By |2018-11-08T17:23:29-06:00August 18th, 2009|Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Economy, Lawsuits|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Newsroom: Southwest Hopes to Acquire Bankruptcy Rival, Frontier Airlines

AMEX and Discover Kill Over-the-Limit Fees

According to an article in the Star-Telegram , American Express and Discover credit card companies plan to eliminate their over-the-limit fees. The article said: "The two companies said separately Tuesday they will soon end the charges that have generated widespread criticism from consumers. The moves come before credit card regulations set to take effect in [...]

By |2018-11-16T23:16:37-06:00August 18th, 2009|Credit and Bankruptcy, Lawsuits|Comments Off on AMEX and Discover Kill Over-the-Limit Fees

Undisclosed Fees and Charges Lands Mortgage Servicer in Trouble

In the bankruptcy case of (Moffitt, Donald E. and Phyllis J.; In re (Mof¬fitt v. America's Servicing Co.)), the bankruptcy court allowed the debtor to file a claim against a mortgage servicer because of undisclosed fees and charges. The details of the bankruptcy case: In this Chapter 13 bankruptcy case the debtor's bankruptcy plan included [...]

By |2018-11-14T22:27:00-06:00August 17th, 2009|Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Lawsuits, Loans / Mortgages|Comments Off on Undisclosed Fees and Charges Lands Mortgage Servicer in Trouble

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Debtor Allowed to File Complaint Against Amway

In the bankruptcy case of Morrison, F. Joseph; In re (Morrison v. Amway Corp, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy debtor is allowed to file compliant against Amway during his case despite Amway's motion to dismiss the complaint. The details of the bankruptcy case: "The Chapter 7 debtor was a former dis¬tributor for the Amway Corporation. In [...]

By |2018-11-14T22:06:18-06:00August 9th, 2009|Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Debt and Tax Relief, Lawsuits|Comments Off on Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Debtor Allowed to File Complaint Against Amway

Federal Task Force to Fight Foreclosure Fraud

According to an article in the Star-Telegram , Federal authorities are creating a foreclosure fraud task force to investigate scams that continue to contribute to the economic crisis and the growing tide of foreclosures. The article said: "The task force will focus on "foreclosure rescue" schemes and "short sale" schemes. Foreclosure rescue schemes prey on [...]

By |2018-11-16T22:27:10-06:00August 5th, 2009|Foreclosures, Lawsuits|Comments Off on Federal Task Force to Fight Foreclosure Fraud
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