Everyone agrees that bankruptcy is a powerful financial tool that can help
you obtain a fresh start. Yet there continues to be myths, misconceptions,
and misunderstandings about the purpose of bankruptcy and its related

A number of
bankruptcy professionals who are familiar with such misconceptions can probably write a few books
about reasons why people do not file. Some people have false beliefs surrounding
what they think will happen if they file, and this alone could be putting
more financial stress onto their situation than if they just allow themselves
to go through the filing process. Taking the time to research questions
and concerns you may have can help save time and money.

There are a number of lies that have kept people from potentially making
a positive decision about their finances:

  • “I won’t be able to get a credit card again after filing.”
  • “I won’t be able to apply for a home or vehicle loan if I file.”
  • “I will lose my home, personal property, and other valuables to creditors.”
  • “I will lose my house if I miss a mortgage payment.”
  • “I don’t want to file because of the shame I’ll experience

The list of lies can on and on. When you are misinformed it can be easy
to get lost and confused in misconceptions. For the most part,
bankruptcy has helped people not only regain financial control or a fresh start,
many have found it easier to obtain credit and get it reestablished within
weeks or months after filing. Contact a Fort Worth / Dallas bankruptcy
lawyer to review your options and become better informed.