What Happens If I Forget to Add a Creditor to My Bankruptcy Filing?

In many situations, it may not be too late to add a creditor if you accidentally forgot to add them to your filing.  Whether you are filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy , the process for some can be stressful so it's understandable this may happen. Upon realizing you left out a creditor [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:36:32-06:00May 9th, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on What Happens If I Forget to Add a Creditor to My Bankruptcy Filing?

Is Personal Bankruptcy in the Cards for You?

You've been attempting to pay off your debts to the best of your abilities. Whenever you get extra money, you throw it at your bills in the hopes that the mountain of debt you have will magically reduce itself. However, it seems that no matter how much money you make - or how much you [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:36:39-06:00May 9th, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Is Personal Bankruptcy in the Cards for You?

Is There Property Bankruptcy Cannot Protect?

Property Bankruptcy Can't Protect Fortunately, bankruptcy does protect a majority of personal property through exemptions.  The exemptions allowed depend on the state and each state varies on how much is covered.  There are different exemption categories for assets with each having a limitation on how much value is protected.  Federal exemptions are also available and [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:36:47-06:00May 8th, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Is There Property Bankruptcy Cannot Protect?

How to Determine the Right Bankruptcy Chapter to File

Determining the Right Bankruptcy Chapter to File If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy you may wonder which chapter is best for your financial situation. While you can get a better idea by discussing your circumstances with an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you may be able to gain an idea based how each chapter is meant [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:36:57-06:00May 3rd, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on How to Determine the Right Bankruptcy Chapter to File

Easy Steps to File for Personal Bankruptcy in Dallas

If you are thinking of filing for personal bankruptcy in Dallas and are worried of a complicated and difficult legal move, think again. While the decision to file should come after much deep contemplation, the truth is that an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can help you navigate the choppy waters of Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:37:05-06:00May 2nd, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Easy Steps to File for Personal Bankruptcy in Dallas

Allmand Law: Helping You to Understand Texas Bankruptcy Exemptions

If you find yourself considering either a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy , you may be wondering what assets the creditors may seize or what possessions can be saved. Allmand wants you to be aware of certain exemptions both federal and within the state of Texas. Allmand Law wants to help you in any [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:37:13-06:00April 25th, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Allmand Law: Helping You to Understand Texas Bankruptcy Exemptions

How Bankruptcy Can Help Small Business Owners

Bankruptcy Can Help Small Businesses Bankruptcy may be an option for small business owners seeking debt relief.  There are several factors to take into consideration to determine if bankruptcy can help including the legal form of your business, whether or not you are liable for outstanding business debt, the type of debt and whether or [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:37:21-06:00April 24th, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on How Bankruptcy Can Help Small Business Owners

How Do You Know if You Qualify for Bankruptcy?

How to Find Out If You Qualify For Bankruptcy While each chapter has its own guidelines and qualifications, some are under the impression that they don't qualify for bankruptcy with many mentioning the same excuses that could be keeping them from filing.  Some feel they make too much money, others feel they don't make enough [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:37:29-06:00April 23rd, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on How Do You Know if You Qualify for Bankruptcy?

How Debtors Should Handle Judgments In Bankruptcy

How to Handle Judgments In Bankruptcy While filing bankruptcy stops a judgment from being enforced, judgments can transform unsecured debts into secured debts in bankruptcy, giving them priority. Below are a few tips on how debtors should handle judgments when filing bankruptcy: Tackling judgments in bankruptcy is an area where prevention really is better than [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:37:37-06:00April 11th, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on How Debtors Should Handle Judgments In Bankruptcy

Escape Identity Theft by Declaring Bankruptcy

Identity Theft and BankruptcyAre You a Victim of Identity Theft?It's a sad but true story - and if you've recently been a victim of identity theft yourself, then you'll recognize your own story here:Amy was a bit shocked when she received a letter in the mail verifying her son's application for his third credit card.  [...]

By |2017-12-13T02:37:45-06:00April 11th, 2012|Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Escape Identity Theft by Declaring Bankruptcy
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