The Truth About Payday Loans in Texas
Texas is the base of operations for some of the largest nationwide payday lenders. With its lax regulations, Texas is estimated to provide the industry with more than 60% of its national profit.
Texas is the base of operations for some of the largest nationwide payday lenders. With its lax regulations, Texas is estimated to provide the industry with more than 60% of its national profit.
The bankruptcy filing process includes several important steps that many people may not be aware of. This is one of the reasons why debtors experience challenges when trying to file on their own without a bankruptcy attorney. When you submit documentation to the bankruptcy court it needs to be completed thoroughly in order for your [...]
Deciding to file bankruptcy is a big financial step that may help you get closer to the relief you are seeking. It may seem confusing to understand which chapter to file even if you meet eligibility for more than one chapter. In some cases you may be able to choose your course of action, but [...]
Bankruptcy and Your Utility Bills If you have recently experienced a gas or utility disconnection because you were unable to pay your bill, bankruptcy may help in getting service reconnected. When you file bankruptcy you are required to list all outstanding debt including unpaid utility payments that led to the disconnection. While in many cases [...]
Reverse Mortgages and Bankruptcy If you want to keep your home and have a reverse mortgage it is likely you'll be able to seek bankruptcy protection. A reverse mortgage allows you to get cash from your home after converting part of the equity. This type of mortgage may allow a homeowner to stop making payments [...]
Filing bankruptcy helps debtors obtain the fresh start they have been looking for. This may include eliminating qualifying debt or obtaining control of finances that improve your ability to pay financial obligations. While your finances go through changes of their own, other areas in life may see change as well such as new employment opportunities.So What [...]
The Means Test helps determine if a debtor qualifies for Chapter 7 bankruptcy . While it is used to review household income and expenses, it may also determine if a debtor can make payments in Chapter 13 bankruptcy depending on how much they earn. Along with determining how much a debtor earns, the test reviews [...]
Delays in Your Bankruptcy Case Bankruptcy attorneys work diligently to represent their client to obtain the best outcome possible. In most situations it doesn't take long for your bankruptcy case to be completed. A debtor may notice a certain amount of time has passed since they started the filing process, wonder why it is taking [...]
Many debtors may have debt that has fallen into default; meaning some time ago they stopped making payments on it or it was related to secured debt such as car repossession . While bankruptcy may eliminate qualifying debt it may help to review your financial situation in more detail before deciding to file. One issue [...]
Many consumers decide to file bankruptcy when one form of debt becomes an issue to keep under control, such as medical bills or credit card debt . But some consumers may not realize they can file bankruptcy when dealing with multiple types of debt. Another common reason for filing includes receiving a lawsuit or judgment [...]